Give a small introduction about your achievements in jump rope?
I have participated in 4 State Jump Rope Championships, 7 National Jump Rope Championships, 1 South Asian Jump Rope Championship and 1 Asian and Pacific Jump Rope Championship and won 21 Gold medals, 4 Silver medals and 4 Bronze medals. I also participated in Online Jump Rope Championship 2020 recently where I won Silver in Single Rope Speed 1 x 30 sec. My Overall Ranking in India is 3rd (third)
What are your Fitness & Personal Goals?
Fitness Goal: To increase my stamina and to improve my flexibility and balance.
Personal Goal: To keep learning new things.
What is one thing people don’t know about you?
Apart from jump rope, I love art and creativity. I love to devout my time in reading and understanding Bhagavad Gita.
What does Jump Rope mean to you in your life?
Jump Rope means a lot to me. It’s not just a sport for me but it solely remedies which relief all my stress and rejuvenates me physically and mentally…it is the most prioritized part of my life.
How has jump rope affected you & your family?
Jump Rope has a major impact on my life as well as on my family. Because of jump rope, I got great recognition among my friends, college and also in society. In past, I was recognized by my parents but now my parents are recognized by me which gives me and my parents a great pride.

Information about ‘representation & promotion of the sport’ other than competitions, if any?
I have demonstrated jump rope on Republic Day and also in a school as well as in one of the sports club.
What is that one most favourite memory related to Jump Rope?
The one most favourite memory of mine relate to jump rope is when I was holding our Indian flag and receiving a medal in Asian and Pacific Jump Rope Championship
Differences in life before you started jump rope & now when you’re a professional jump rope athlete?
There is a lot of differences in my life before I started jump rope and now when I’m a professional jump rope athlete. compared to before I have become more fit and active. I have built self-confidence and sportsman spirit in me. And also a positive attitude like Never giving up. I have become more disciplined in my life and now I know the value and importance of time.