JUMP ROPE FEDERATION OF INDIA (JRFI) Election of Office Bearers and Members of Managing Committee,
Election Bye-laws
1. Short Title & Definitions
(1) These Bye-laws shall be called the ‘Election Bye-laws’ and shall govern
The conduct of Election of Office of Bearers and members of the Managing Committee of Jump Rope Federation of India.
(2) In these Bye-laws, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) ‘Clause’ and ‘sub-clause’ mean the clause and sub-clause of these Bye-laws;
(b) ‘Managing members’ means Member of Managing Committee of
Jump Rope Federation of India
(c) ‘Form’ means the Form appended to these Bye-laws;
(d) Jump Rope Federation of India means Name of the Federations;
(e) ‘Post’ includes the office of President, Secretary-General,
Treasures, Vice President, Joint Secretary, Technical Director, and Member of Managing Committee of Jump Rope Federation of India.
(f) ‘Rule’ means the rule of Rules and Regulations of Jump Rope Federation of India.
2. Managing Committee:
(1) The 19 (nineteen) Officer Bearers Shall be as follows:-
1 President 1 (one)
2 Senior Vice-President 1 (one)
3 Vice President 4 (four)
4 General Secretary 1 (one)
5 Treasurer 1 (one)
6 Joint Secretaries 4 (four)
7 Executive Members 6 (six)
8 Technical Director 1 (one)
3. Manner of Election:
(1) Office Bearers and Members of Managing Committee of JRFI shall be elected by secret ballot
(2) Election shall be held at the Special Annual General Council Meeting (SGM) in accordance with the procedure prescribed hereinafter, from amongst the representatives of the Permanent Member States/ Union Territories/Boards/Institution.
4. Electoral College:
(1) Each permanent member State/Union Territory duty affiliated by JRFI as its permanent member shall have two votes at the elections of the Office Bearers and Managing Committee Members.
(2) For the purposes of sub-clause (1), each Permanent Member State/ Union Territory shall be represented by two members authorized by the President or Secretary-General/Secretary of the affiliated permanent Member State/Union Territory; however, in case the president/Secretary-General / Secretary nominates different person (s), the person (s) authorized by the President shall be deemed to be the duly authorized person(s). Irrespective of the date.
(3) Each Board or Institution duly affiliated by as its Permanent member under shall be represented by only one representative.
(4) Each permanent member State/Union territory and each permanent member Board/Institution shall intimate the name (s) of their representative(s) mentioned in sub-clauses (2) and (3), latest by Day – 1 – 22 November, Sunday; and such intimation shall be addressed to the President / Secretary General of JRFI on their letterhead duly signed by President / Secretary General/secretary of that member unit, so as to reach him on or before the aforesaid date; any change in the name of any authorized representative after Day -1 – 22 November, Sunday or any intimation received thereafter shall be permitted only with the approval of the President / Secretary General of JRFI.
(5) The President / Secretary General of JRFI shall prepare the list of the authorized representative of the member States/Union Territories / Boards / Institutions in Form 1, and circulate a copy of the list so prepared by him to all Member States/Union territories/Boards/Institutions, latest by Day – 2 – 23 November, Monday, by the display, on the website of JRFI.
(6) The President/ Secretary-General shall also furnish a duly authenticated copy of the list mentioned in sub-clause (5) to the Returning Officer as soon as may be after his appointment by the president/ secretary General of JRFI under clause (5) below.
5. Returning Officer:
As soon as may be before /after the issue of the notice for the Special Annual General Meeting (SGM), the president / Secretary-General of JRFI shall nominate a person as returning officer for the conduct of Election of Office Bearers and Members of Managing Committee JRFI, in accordance with the provisions of these Bye-laws.
6. Nomination of Candidates:
(1) The nomination of a candidate for election as office Bearer / Member of the managing committee shall be made in Form 2.
(2) The nomination of a candidate for election as office Bearer/member of managing committee shall be proposed by one of the representatives of Member States/Union Territories /Boards/Institutions whose name is included in the Electoral College list in Form 1, and also subscribed by 1 (one) such representative as seconder.
(3) Each candidate shall be entitled to be nominated by not more than 2 (two) nomination papers.
(4) Each Nomination paper shall be delivered personally to the returning officer in person by the candidate himself/herself from Day – 3 – 24 November, Tuesday to Day – 5 – 26 November, Thursday between 11.00 Am and 5.00 PM.
(5) No person shall be eligible to nominate more than one candidate for the same post, either as proposer or seconder; and, if he so does, his/her signature on the nomination papers delivered second in point of time of the returning officer shall be deemed to be inoperative.
(6) No person shall be permitted to withdraw his/her name as proposer/seconder, once the nomination paper subscribed by him/her has been delivered to the Returning Officer.
(7) As soon as may be after 1:00 P.M. Day – 7 – 28 November, Saturday The Returning officer shall prepare a list of all nominations received by him, post wise, in From 3; and publish the same in a conspicuous place in his office.
7. Scrutiny of Nominations:
(1) On 29 November, Sunday (1 pm – 3 pm), The Returning Officer in his office shall scrutinize each nomination paper, one by one, received by him, and determine its validity or otherwise.
(2) At the scrutiny of nominations, each candidate or one of his/her authorized representative shall have the right to be present and raise any objection in relation to the nomination of a candidate for the post which he/she has filed his/her nomination.
(3) As soon as may be after the scrutiny of all nomination papers has been completed by him, the returning officer shall prepare a list of validly nominated candidates in Form 4. And the contesting Candidates can take a copy from the Returning Officer.
8. Withdrawal of candidatures:
(1) Each candidate whose nomination has been found valid on scrutiny shall be entitled to withdraw his/her candidature, from Day – 29 November, Sunday to up to 5:00 P.M. of Day – 10 – 1st December, Tuesday.
(2) Notice of withdrawal of candidature shall be submitted in Form 5, either by the candidate himself/herself or by a person duly authorized by him/her in writing.
(3) Notice of withdrawal of candidature shall be final and shall not be allowed to be canceled.
(4) The Returning officer shall accept the notice of withdrawal if he is satisfied as to the genuineness of the notice.
(5) As soon as may be after 7:00 PM on the Day – 11 2nd December, Wednesday, the Returning Officer shall prepare the final list of contesting candidates in Form 6, display a copy of the said list inconspicuous place in his office and on JRFI’s Website. And also furnish a copy of the same to each of the candidates/their authorized representatives, if they so demand.
(6) The names of the contesting candidates in Form 6 shall be arranged, for each post, in alphabetical order according to English alphabets.
9. Uncontested Returns; and Contested Elections
(1) Where the number of contesting candidates for any post or category of post, in Form 6 is equal to the number of posts to be filled, all such contesting candidates shall be deemed to be duly elected unopposed to those posts, and it shall not be necessary to take a poll for election to such post.
(2) Where the number of contesting candidates for any post or category of post, in Form 6 is more than the number of posts to be filled, a poll shall be taken by secret ballot for those posts remaining unfilled.
(3) The ballot papers for these posts remaining unfilled shall be in Form 7 to Form 13 to be made individually for each post.
(4) The names of contesting candidates on the ballot papers shall appear in the same order as in Form.- 6.
10. Poll:
(1) The poll for the posts Remaining Unfilled under clause 9(2) above shall be taken post – wise, on Day – 16 – 07 December, Monday and shall commence at during the SGM at the Agenda item Elections, in Hotel Vijay Niwas ‘Heritage’ Khandala house behind Amber Tower Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur Rajasthan.
(2) Each contesting candidate can nominate one person, (If he/she so desires), Only from amongst the Authorised Representatives list of PCI, to be present at the Poll (Polling station )
(3) At the poll, each authorised representative of member States/ Union Territories/Boards/Institutions, whose name is included in the Electoral College list in Form 1, shall be entitled to-
(i) cast one vote each of the posts remaining unfilled, where only one such seat is to be filled;
(ii) cast as many votes as is the no. of seats to be filled for any post, where more than one seat is to be filled.
Explanation: It is hereby clarified that for the purpose of filling four seats of Vice-presidents, each voter can cast up to four votes, and, like-wise, for four seats of joint secretaries, and six seats of Members of Managing Committee, he/she can cast four and six votes respectively for the above mentioned four seats of joint secretaries and six seats of Members of Managing Committee.
(4) In case any voter casts his/her vote for more than one candidate, or for more than four or five candidates, as the case may be, his/her vote for that post shall be invalid.
(5) Each voter shall be required, before he is supplied with a Ballot paper, to give his/her signature on the authenticated copy of the Electoral College list in Form 1 used by the Returning Officer for taking the poll.
(6) The voter shall record his/her vote on the ballot paper in secrecy in a voting compartment specially provided for the purpose at the polling station.
(7) The voter shall record his/her vote on the ballot paper by placing a tick mark () against the name of the candidate of his/her choice, and any other mark, like
) etc. or word, placed on the ballot by him/her shall render the ballot paper liable to rejections.
(8) The tick mark () to indicate the vote shall be placed by the voter only by means of an article specifically provided for the purpose by the Returning Officer, and a ballot paper marked otherwise by means of any pen, ballpoint pen, etc. by the voter shall render the ballot paper liable to rejection.
(9) The ballot paper marked by a voter shall be deposited by him/her in a ballot box specially prepared and sealed by the Returning Officer and placed at such a conspicuous place in the polling station that it shall be constantly visible to all present in the polling station.
(10) The Returning Officer shall close the poll at the appointed hour; however, all those voters who are present at the polling station at the appointed closing hour shall be entitled to vote even if the poll proceedings have to be continued for some more time.
(11) After all the voters referred to in sub-clause (9) have voted, the Returning officer shall close the ballot box and shall not permit thereafter any person to vote.
(12) Polling will be done in below order:
(1) President
(2) Secretary-General
(3) Treasurer
(4) Vice-Presidents
(5) Senior – vice president
(6) Joint –Secretaries
(7) Technical Director
(8) Executive Member
11. Counting of Votes:
(1) The Returning Officer shall take up the counting of votes as soon as may be after polling for any post is complete.
(2) Each contesting candidate can nominate one authorises representative (as clarified in S.No. 10 (2) ) and He/ She shall be entitled to be present at the place of counting of votes.
(3) The Returning Officer shall take up the counting of votes, post-wise and category wise, where applicable.
(4) Each ballot paper on which a vote has been recorded in accordance with sub-clauses (3) to (8) of clause (10) shall be treated as one vote for the candidate for whom it has been validly marks, and if any ballot paper has been marked in violation of any of the aforesaid provisions of sub-clauses (3) to (8) of clause (10) shall be rejected by the Returning Officer.
(5) The votes validly cast for each of the contesting candidates shall be counted post –wise, and category – wise where applicable and recorded in the descending order of the votes so cast for each candidate in Form 14.
(6) The Returning Officer shall thereafter ascertain the result of counting and, subject to the provisions no. Rule 4 (a) (II) of the Rules, the candidates who have secured the maximum no. votes in the said descending order, post – wise and category wise, where applicable equal to the no. of seats to be filled for each post or category of posts, where applicable shall be deemed to have been duly elected to those posts.
12. Declaration of Results:
The names of contesting candidates who shall be deemed to have been elected at the election in accordance with sub-clause (6) of clause (11) shall be declared as having been duly elected to their respective posts, by the Returning Officer at the Special Annual General Meeting (SGM) in the Form
Mr. Vikram Singh Rathore
H-24 Chitranjan Marg C Scheme
Jaipur Rajasthan
Mobile No: 9828984714
Email ID:-jumpropeelection2020@gmail.com